Orlen to build hydrogen hub in Szczecin with EU support

Poland's largest energy concern Orlen plans to construct a hydrogen production facility in Szczecin as part of the "Clean Cities - Hydrogen Mobility in Poland" project, supported by EU funding.

The company has issued a call for tenders for the investment, with responses due by February 28.

The project involves the construction of infrastructure for hydrogen production from renewable energy sources, including an electrolyzer powered by these sources, storage facilities, and a loading infrastructure with a capacity of approximately 5 MW and an effectiveness of at least 85 kg of hydrogen per hour.

In April 2024, Orlen announced it had received EUR 62 million in non-refundable EU support for the project.

The EU funding will enable Orlen to implement the third phase of Clean Cities – Hydrogen mobility in Poland project by setting up 16 publicly-available hydrogen refueling stations in Poland along the Trans-European Transport Network.

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