Agora media expects GDP growth in 2025 to drive advertising market expansion

Listed media group Agora anticipates that the projected GDP growth in 2025 will lead to further expansion of the advertising market, CEO Bartosz Hojka told a videoconference. The company's goals for 2025 include maximizing synergies within the group, particularly in digital market segments.

"We are optimistic about the upcoming year for both the advertising and cinema markets. GDP forecasts for next year are very positive, especially compared to other Western European countries. Historically, high GDP correlates with strong advertising market dynamics, so we expect this market's condition to be at least as good as this year," Hojka said.

He emphasized that the primary tasks for 2025 involve optimizing group synergies and enhancing sales efficiency through better coordination across all business units. With the acquisition of Eurozet, Agora's advertising basket has significantly increased, presenting further opportunities for revenue growth.

Hojka noted that if no unexpected events occur in Agora's markets, 2025 should be a year of progress towards achieving its strategic goal of an EBITDA of PLN 200 million (EUR 46.3 mln) by 2026.

He also pointed out that Q3 is typically the weakest quarter for Agora but expressed confidence in reporting a return to growth and revenue increases in Q4.

"We expect advertising market dynamics to remain strong in 2024, with overall market growth closer to 8 percent than 6 percent," he added, indicating a positive outlook based on recent trends.

Additionally, he sees potential for cinema attendance in 2024 to match that of 2023, driven by upcoming releases like "Gladiator II" and "Vaiana II."

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