Asseco IT's agreement on cooperation assumes possibility of dividends from selling shares from ‘26

Listed IT group Asseco Poland received a notice form it's shareholders concerning a cooperation agreement for possible investment into Asseco, the company said in a market filing. The agreement provides for the possibility to pay dividends from the sale of shares starting from 2026

Asseco Poland has received notification from Adam Goral Family Foundation, Yukon Blue Capital B.V. and TSS Europe B.V. of the conclusion of a shareholders' agreement concerning the principles of cooperation between the parties to the shareholders’ agreement within the framework of a potential investment in the company.

According to the shareholders' agreement, TSS Europe B.V. direct or indirect stake in the company will not exceed 27.96 percent of the company's shares.

The shareholders' agreement does not provide for the intention to launch a tender offer for the company's shares.

Asseco Poland said that it is currently negotiating the sale of its own shares to TSS and Yukon. The price proposed by TSS and Yukon is PLN 85 (EUR 20.18) per company share.

alk/ nl/ han/

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