Construction of Polish nuclear power plant in Konin should be launched around 2030

The planned commissioning of the first reactor is 2035-2036, so after or around 2030, the construction and installation work should be launched, the CEO of special purpose vehicle for the construction of the Polish nuclear power plant in Konin/Patnow PGE PAK Energia Jadrowa (EJ) Tomasz Nowacki told a meeting of the parliamentary committee.

During a meeting of the maritime economy and inland navigation committee at Polish parliament's Lower House Sejm, Nowacki said that preparations for the construction of a nuclear power plant in Konin are already taking place.

"The planned commissioning of the first reactor is 2035-2036, so after 2030, around 2030, (...) construction and assembly works should be launched," the CEO of PGE PAK EJ announced.

Asked by MPs whether the company's plans could be affected by the dispute between the Koreans and Americans over US objections to the technology used by KHNP, he said negotiations between the parties were ongoing.

"We know that there are some talks or negotiations going on between the Koreans and the Americans(...) because of the position of Westinghouse, the company that believes that certain intellectual property rights are theirs all the time, not the Koreans," Nowacki explained.

"There is such a dispute initiated, but I also know that intensive talks are going on between both parties," he added.

The SPV's CEO recalled that there was a similar situation at the time of the investment of four Korean reactors in the United Arab Emirates and there the parties came to a business agreement.

"Whereas here the parties are standing firm on their positions, because the Koreans on the other side believe that absolutely there is full clarity and full rights on their side to the technology. I can say that the US courts have dismissed Westinghouse's claims, so it's not such a clear-cut case, but what is most important for us is that this dispute is beyond us," Nowacki pointed out.

"We, in our discussions with our Korean partner, in all even the smallest contractual issues, are secured in such a way that any negative resolution of this dispute will not affect our company. Basically, I hope that the parties will come to an agreement, as they have in the past. We are counting on the common sense of both parties," he added.

The CEO continued that the Koreans made the best offer in the Czech Republic and won the tender there.

"There, too, the echoes of this dispute are somehow visible, but as we see, the Czech and Korean sides are looking at this issue with optimism," Nowacki pointed out.

At the end of June, Tomasz Nowacki told another committee in the Sejm that the SPV company of PGE and ZE PAK for the construction of a nuclear power plant in Konin/Patnow was planning a feasibility study for the project but was waiting for the owners' decision. There were unofficial reports in the media that the project had been frozen.

In November 2023, PGE PAK Energia Jadrowa obtained the so-called fundamental decision from the climate minister. This decision was still issued by the previous government.

jz/ ao/ han/

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