Grupa Pracuj assumes single-digit revenue growth in 2025

Listed HR firm Grupa Pracuj is targeting single-digit revenue growth in 2025, above inflation, company representatives told a video conference.

"We are cautious about growth (...). For the group as a whole, we expect single-digit organic revenue growth above inflation," CEO Przemyslaw Gacek said.

For the full 2024, consolidated revenues of Grupa Pracuj increased by 6.3 percent year on year to PLN 770 million (EUR 184.7 mln).

The group's revenue of in Poland in 2024 amounted to PLN 540.4 million (EUR 129.64 mln), up by 6.4 percent year on year.

The number of recruitment projects published on in 2024 was 494,000, similar to the previous year. Their average price, on the other hand, increased by 4.8 percent year on year.

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