Hackers target Big Cheese Studio gaming, demanding PLN 100k in cryptocurrency

Hackerzy zaatakowali Big Cheese Studio

Hackers claim to have accessed the video games developer Big Cheese Studio systems, including game codes and employee data, demanding PLN 100,000 (EUR 23,700) in cryptocurrency. The studio confirmed the attack and is taking immediate security measures. The company confirmed the information about the attack in a statement to PAP Biznes.

The hackers indicated that they had the code for Cooking Simulator 2, as it is the most important project the company is working on.

The hackers indicated that the scale of the intrusion is large, and the consequences could be severe. Personal data breaches are subject to the provisions of the RODO, which can result in a financial penalty of up to EUR 20 million or 4 percent of a company's annual revenue.

In addition, the hackers converted the PLN 100,000 (EUR 23,700) in amount into both roubles and the cryptocurrency XMR.

"Any delay will increase the risk of further exploitation of the stolen data and exacerbate potential loss and damage. The cryptocurrency wallet address will be monitored for the next 5 working days," the hackers wrote.

"If the amount stated above is not paid, the stolen data will be made public and the game's source code, as well as customer, employee and investor data, will be sold or shared with third parties. All data, including personal data, will be irreversibly exposed," they added.

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