Orlen expects growth in natural gas production to 12 bln m3 per year; in RES capacity to 12.8 GW by 2035

Poland's largest energy concern Orlen in its new strategy for 2035 assumes a boost in the natural gas production from 9.1 billion to 12 billion cubic meters annually and an increase in installed renewable energy capacity from 1.3 GW to 12.8 GW, the group said in a market filing.

The group plans to supply 27 billion cubic metres of gas to the market, which, according to Orlen, can fully meet Poland's needs.

Orlen wants to supply the domestic market with fuel through increased production in Norway, Poland and North America and commercial contracts.

The strategy also assumes the expansion of the installed capacity of gas-fired power plants and combined heat and power plants (CCGTs) from 1.8 to 4.3 GW, which, as stated, could power 7.5 million households, as well as the development of up to 1.4 GW of installed energy storage capacity (BESS).

The increase in installed RES capacity is to be achieved through the development of wind power and photovoltaics, including in partnerships.

Orlen plans to market and deploy small modular reactor (SMR) technology with an installed capacity in the order of 0.6 GW and to spend more than PLN 20 billion (EUR 4.7 bln) on gas distribution networks and PLN 40 billion (EUR 9.4 bln) on electricity distribution networks.

The company will build four offshore wind farms and at least two small nuclear power plants.

The group's recycling capacity will increase from the current 35,000 tonnes to 250,000 tonnes within a decade.

Produced from renewable and closed-loop raw materials, the products will account for 10 percent of all petrochemical sales in 2035.

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