PKO BP is planning foreign expansion, wants to grow its presence in EU countries

Listed largest lender by assets PKO BP is planning a foreign expansion, focusing on the EU countries in its new strategy, Marek Radzikowski, the bank's deputy CEO told a press conference.

Currently, the PKO BP group is present in four European countries, other than Poland - Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Ukraine. The bank said in its strategy, that a further expansion to 9 European countries is planned.

"We will be the most visible Polish bank in Europe (...). There is only one direction - West - we will no longer focus only on neighbouring countries in our region, we want to expand into Western countries, focusing mainly on the Eurozone, but we do not rule out other EU countries," Radzikowski said.

"We will set up our representative offices where we are not certain about the success yet, this will be a first test," he added.

The deputy CEO informed that the bank is opening a branch in Romania very soon.

PKO BP wrote in its new strategy published on Thursday, that it wants to open new foreign branches for corporate clients, as well as representative offices on the most attractive EU markets.

seb/ mik/ nl/

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