Poczta Polska interested in Orlen's parcel machines, says CEO

Poland's state postal operator Poczta Polska is interested in taking over Poland's largest energy concern Orlen's parcel machines, the company's CEO Sebastian Mikosz told an interview on TVP Info. He also assessed that currently on the courier delivery services market, the post office is 'a second-league player'.

During an interview, the CEO of Poczta Polska admitted that the company he manages is interested in taking over parcel machines from Orlen.

Asked for details, he indicated that some 'form of agreement, purchase or creation of a company' was involved, although, as he pointed out, for the time being "this process is entirely on Orlen's side".

He added that before decisions can be made on the matter, Poczta Polska needs to answer the question of what role it can play in the courier delivery market. Mikosz described that at the moment, the company he leads is a 'second-league player' in this field.

Mikosz also assured that the company has the money to fund the Voluntary Redundancy Scheme. He indicated that the payment of the equivalent of 12 salaries to departing employees does not pose a threat to the financial stability of the company.

Asked about the company's future, Mikosz said that due to the recorded decrease in mail volumes, Poczta Polska would focus on the development of new services, including financial services. He also assured that its advantage is direct access to customers. He stressed that the company does not intend to abandon retail sales in its outlets, although, as he pointed out, 'the presentation of goods' requires changes.

Under the voluntary redundancy programme, Poczta Polska intends to lay off around 9,300 of its 62,000 employees. Sebastian Mikosz, in an interview with PAP in November 2024, pointed out that the programme was expected to cost Poczta Polska around PLN 50 million (EUR 11.7 mln) in 2024, and the entire transformation programme around PLN 600 million (EUR 140.46 mln).

He added that nearly 65 percent of Poczta Polska's costs are salaries. According to the CEO, the Transformation Plan is to gradually transform the operator into a 'modern courier, retail, financial and digital company'.

Poczta Polska is a State Treasury company, the largest postal operator in the Polish market. It employs around 62,000 people and its network includes 7,600 outlets, branches and postal agencies across the country.

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