Poland's financial watchdog confirms O-SII identification for ten banks

Poland's financial watchdog KNF has confirmed the identification of ten banks as Other Systemically Important Institutions (O-SII) and has assigned them additional capital buffers.

Poland's largest lender by assets PKO BP's buffer has been set at 2.00 percent (unchanged).

Listed lender Pekao's buffer has been set at 1.00 percent (unchanged), listed lender Santander BP's buffer at 1.00 percent (unchanged), and listed lender ING BSK's buffer at 1.00 percent (increased from 0.50 percent).

Listed unit of Germany's Commerzbank mBank's buffer has been set at 0.50 percent (unchanged) and listed lender BNP Paribas Bank Polska's at 0.50 percent (increased from 0.25 percent),

The buffer of Bank Handlowy, the Warsaw-listed unit of Citigroup has been set at 0.25 percent (unchanged), listed lender Bank Millennium at 0.25 percent (unchanged), Bank Polskiej Spoldzielczosci at 0.25 percent (unchanged) and SGB-BANK's buffer has been set at 0.25 percent (unchanged).

These buffers are additional capital requirements aimed at enhancing the resilience of these banks, which play a significant role in the Polish economy.

seb/ nl/ han/

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