Poland's financial watchdog imposes no add-on P2G capital requirement on ING BSK

Listed lender ING BSK has received a letter from Poland's financial market regulator KNF on determining no additional capital charge (P2G) to absorb potential losses that may arise from stress conditions, the bank said in a market filing.

Poland's financial market regulator KNF's decision means that the P2G for the bank will no longer apply. The current P2G stood at 0.32 percent on a stand-alone basis and 0.31 percent on a consolidated basis.

"The management board of ING Bank Slaski has received on December 19, 2024, a letter from Poland's financial market regulator KNF's on non-determination of the additional capital add-on (P2G) so as to absorb potential losses resulting from occurrence of stress conditions," the lender said in a market filing.

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