UNICREDIT SPA (13/2022) Shareholders' Meeting Documentation

Raport bieżący z plikiem 13/2022

Podstawa prawna: Inne uregulowania

The Company gives notice that today is available to the public, at the Company's Registered Office, on the website of the market management company Borsa Italiana S.p.A. (www.borsaitaliana.it), on the website of the authorized storage mechanism "eMarket STORAGE" managed by Spafid Connect S.p.A. (www.emarketstorage.com), as well as on the UniCredit website - documentation concerning the following items on the Agenda of the Shareholders' Meeting convened on 8 April 2022.

Ordinary part

5. Appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors and of the substitute Statutory Auditors

6. Determination of the remuneration due to the Board of Statutory Auditors

Extraordinary part

2. Amendments to clauses 20, 29 and 30 of the Articles of Association

It is specified that further documentation concerning the items on the agenda of the ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting, including the draft of the financial statements, the consolidated financial statements and the integrated statements ex D.Lgs. 254/2016, will be published according to the terms provided by law.

Milan, 21 February 2022


Investor Relations

e-mail: investorrelations@unicredit.eu

Media Relations

e-mail: mediarelations@unicredit.eu

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