Poland's central bank increases gold reserves by 7.5 tonnes in October

Poland's central bank NBP increased its gold reserves in October by 7.5 tonnes, making the gold share in the reserves at over 17.7 percent, NBP reported on Friday.

Poland's central bank said that at the end of October 2024, NBP's official reserve assets stood at PLN 863.7 billion (EUR 202.4 bln).

"NBP has been increasing the share of gold in official reserve assets since 2018. In October 2024, it purchased 7.5 tonnes of gold," NBP wrote.

"At the end of the period under review, the NBP's gold reserves amounted to 427.2 tonnes and reached a value of PLN 152.9 billion," it added.

According to Poland's central bank, the share of gold in official reserve assets exceeded 17.7 percent.

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