Polish climate ministry proposes maximum prices for offshore wind energy at PLN 479.10/MWh and PLN 512.32/MWh

Polish Ministry of Climate and Environment (MKiS) has proposed two maximum prices for electricity generated from offshore wind farms, set at PLN 479.10/MWh (EUR 112.49/MWh) and PLN 512.32/MWh (EUR 120.29/MWh), depending on the areas where the farms will be located.

The draft regulation recommends establishing a maximum price for electricity produced in offshore wind farms and fed into the grid, expressed in PLN per MWh, which can be indicated in bids submitted by producers during auctions.

The decision to divide the areas into two groups is primarily based on the distance of these areas from the shore.

"This is because as the distance from the shore increases, the length of the power derivation unit increases, which in turn translates into an increase in the investment costs incurred by the generator in the construction of the power derivation unit," the impact assessment (OSR) to the draft states.

Additionally, greater distances from the shore also result in increased operational costs.

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1 CHF 4,5503 0,06%
1 EUR 4,2691 0,17%
1 GBP 5,0567 0,05%
100 JPY 2,6622 0,03%
1 USD 4,1462 0,07%