PKP Intercity's net profit to rise to PLN 500 mln in 2025

Poland's long-distance railway carrier PKP Intercity's net profit rose to PLN 250 million (EUR 59.4 mln) last year, up from PLN 90.7 million (EUR 21.5 mln) the previous year, according to CEO Janusz Malinowski. He also mentioned that this year's profit is expected to reach PLN 500 million (EUR 118. mln).

"The net profit for last year was PLN 250 million. Ultimately, it has yet to be audited, and the plan for this year is to increase it to PLN 500 million," he said.

PKP Intercity trains carried 78.5 million passengers last year, 15 percent more than the year before and 33 percent more than in 2022.

The carrier's estimates assume that PKP Intercity can increase the number of passengers carried to 88 million this year and to 110 million in 2030.

As part of the expanded investment strategy, the company will allocate PLN 27 billion (EUR 6.4 bln) for modern rolling stock and environmentally friendly stabling facilities by 2030.

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