Poland's antitrust regulator obliges mPay and Revolut Bank UAB to return overpaid amounts to consumers

In accordance with the binding decisions issued by the head of Poland's antitrust and consumer protection regulator UOKiK, Polish mobile payment provider mPay and digital banking company Revolut Bank UAB (formerly Revolut Payment UAB) will automatically refund to eligible consumers the amounts they have overpaid as a result of increases or the introduction of new charges, UOKiK wrote on its website.

Both companies will also offer temporary facilities to eligible consumers as compensation.

The head of Poland's antitrust and consumer protection regulator UOKiK has substantiated the use of practices that may violate the collective interests of consumers by mPay and Revolut Bank UAB (formerly Revolut Payment UAB).

Both entrepreneurs failed to provide information on a durable medium about proposed changes to the terms of payment service agreements concluded with consumers. They also did not have appropriate modification clauses in their contracts allowing them to be amended.

It has been reported that the ability to download a document from a website or app - which do not meet the characteristics of a durable medium - does not ensure that it is the same version of the file that was originally uploaded there. A paper document, a memory card, a memory stick, an email message or an attached file such as a PDF file, among others, can be considered as a durable medium.

UOKiK added that in order for a trader to amend a contract for an indefinite period of time, it is also necessary to have an appropriate modification clause, which, according to the regulations, will precisely and unambiguously indicate the specific circumstances conditioning such an amendment.

As determined by the head of UOKiK, the company mPay, in a service not subject to the provisions of the payment services act, unilaterally changed the regulations of the mPay application without appropriate contractual provisions and charged its customers new or increased fees.

gaw/ ao/ nl/

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