Unibep builder estimates PLN 44.3 mln net take in 2024

Listed builder Unibep estimates that in 2024 its parent company net profit amounted to PLN 44.3 million (EUR 10.64 mln), against PLN 165.9 million (EUR 39.85 mln) net loss in 2023, the company said in a market filing. PAP Biznes calculations show that in the fourth quarter alone, the company had a net loss of PLN 2.2 million (EUR 528,440) against the PLN 2.4 million (EUR 576,480) profit expected by the market.

According to preliminary data, consolidated sales revenues amounted to PLN 2.6 billion (EUR 624.5 mln) last year, up 7.3 percent year on year.

Consolidated gross profit on sales is estimated at PLN 176.6 million (EUR 42.42 mln) and operating profit at PLN 168.6 million (EUR 40.5 mln). In 2023, the company had a gross sales loss of PLN 37.8 million (EUR 9.1 mln) and an operating loss of PLN 137.8 million (EUR 33.1 mln).

Calculations show that in the fourth quarter of 2024 alone, the group had PLN 9.5 million (EUR 2.3 mln) EBIT and PLN 781.1 million (EUR 187.6 mln) revenue. Analysts had expected PLN 18 million (EUR 4.3 mln) EBIT and PLN 697.8 million (EUR 167.6 mln) revenue.

As reported, the order backlog to be executed from the third quarter of 2024 was PLN 3.1 billion (EUR 744.6 mln), down by around 13 percent.

The cash level was PLN 262.5 million (EUR 63.05 mln) at the end of 2024 and nearly PLN 311.1 million (EUR 74.73 mln) a year earlier.

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