Zabka grocer's sales to end customers at PLN 6.89 bln in Q4 2024 - preliminary results

Listed convenience store chain Zabka Group's sales to end customers in the fourth quarter of 2024 amounted to PLN 6.89 billion (EUR 1.61 bln), the company said in its preliminary results. It indicated that the company expects the consolidated adjusted EBITDA margin for the fourth quarter of 2024 to reach a figure similar to that recorded in the prior year period.

"The last quarter of the year brought further growth in comparable sales of Zabka Polska shops, which reached 7.1 percent and was 1.1 percentage points higher than in the third quarter of 2024," Zabka wrote in the press release.

"Factors supporting the sales growth included the implementation of the Zabka Café 2.0 format in 8,275 outlets (6,918 outlets at the end of September 2024) and a diversified product offering," it added.

It was reported that, according to preliminary results, the Zabka Group's consolidated sales to the end customer increased by 20 percent in 2024, thanks to new shop openings and an increase in comparable LFL sales. LFL sales growth for the full year 2024 reached 8.3 percent, slightly above the midpoint of the planned range (7.5 - 9.0 percent) and was driven by balanced volume and basket value growth over 2024.

In the fourth quarter of 2024, Zabka Group reported year-on-year sales growth of 18 percent, driven by a combination of organic growth and shop network expansion.

"(...) we maintain our expectations given at the time of the company's IPO to improve margins close to the upper end of our target range of 12-13 percent in the medium term," Zabka said in the press release.

"As previously communicated, the group also expects to accelerate growth in consolidated adjusted EBITDA margin throughout 2024 due to stabilising energy costs and increasing economies of scale," it added.

Zabka Group SA is reported to have opened 1,166 new shops in 2024, 60 of which are in Romania, thereby expanding its network to 11,069 outlets as of December 31, 2024. The group opened 169 new shops in the fourth quarter.

On March 24, 2025, Zabka Group is slated to publish its final individual and consolidated financial results for the 12-month period ended December 31, 2024.

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