PKN Orlen SAOrlen energy discovers new gas deposit in Greater Poland
Poland's largest energy concern Orlen and its unit Orlen Upstream Polska have discovered a new gas deposit in the Greater Poland region, the concern said in a press release. After production testing, the deposit's resources were estimated at more than 235 million cubic metres.
"In line with our declarations, we are maximising production in Poland to take advantage of all available opportunities," said the member of Orlen's board for extraction segment Wieslaw Prugar, quoted in the press release.
"The discovery of the Siedlemin field near Jarocin confirms the strong position of Greater Poland on the energy map of the country. It is in this province that Orlen produces the most natural gas in the country," he added.
In 2023, Orlen Group's natural gas production amounted to 7.1 billion cubic metres, which translated into 42 percent of domestic demand. Production in Poland amounted to 3.4 billion cubic metres, of which almost 1.7 billion cubic metres in the Greater Poland region.
In the group's new strategy until 2035, the company has indicated as a target to increase total natural gas production from domestic and foreign fields in 2030 to 12 billion cubic metres, including up to 4 billion cubic metres from fields in Poland.
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