Luxembourg court dismisses claims by Kernel Holding minority shareholders

Listed Ukrainian cereal and sunflower oil producer Kernel Holding's minority shareholders' claims have been dismissed by order of the court in Luxembourg, the company said in a market filing. The shareholders demanded the suspension of resolutions of Kernel Holding's December 2023 general meeting.

As reported, the case is one of five proceedings initiated by a group of minority shareholders in connection with the intention to delist Kernel shares from the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the completion of a share capital increase and resolutions of the general meeting.

In early March, as a result of pending proceedings brought by a group of minority shareholders before a court in Luxembourg to challenge the board's decision to delist the company's shares from the WSE, Poland's financial watchdog KNF has suspended the administrative proceedings concerning the withdrawal.

At that time, KNF stressed that it would not issue a decision giving approval for the delisting of shares from the regulated market until the case before the Luxembourg court is resolved.

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