Poland's inflation expectations index falls to 35.8 pts in September - EC

Poland's inflation expectations index in September has fallen to 35.8 points from 40.4 points in August, according to data from the European Commission released on Friday.

Respondents were asked how they think prices will develop over the next 12 months.

The indicator does not take into account the fraction of respondents expecting prices to rise, but at a slower rate than currently perceived.

It is created by adding the percentage of respondents expecting prices to rise faster to the percentage of those expecting the same price increase divided by two and subtracting from this sum the percentage of those expecting prices to fall and half the percentage of responses indicating price stability.

The indicator is published after deseasonalisation.

The inflation expectations index is a part of the harmonised Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI), published on a monthly basis for the 27 EU countries by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG EcFin).

In the case of Poland, it is based on surveys conducted by GfK Polonia during the first 12 days of the month, on a sample of at least 1,020 people.

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